We developed the Prepare Sprint Retrospective App because we felt the need for an easy tool to give feedback in an agile environment. It is very nice to see, that also others thinks the same way. We are more than happy, how our downloads of our BETA Version have progressed over the last couple weeks.
Known issues
Thanks to feedback from our customers, we were able to narrow down some issues. Since Patrick and I would like to be transparent about our journey with the Prepares Sprint Retrospective App, we would like to quickly address those issues and keep you up to date for our next steps.
Board administrator rights
Starting with the biggest bug… So far it is necessary to give board administrator rights to all the users, you want to be able to give feedback. Of course we never wanted this to be like this. But during our tests, which honestly were not at the quality level they should be, we never stumbled over this.
In our published versions all your data is stored inside your Atlassian instance in the Jira data model. This had the advantage, that we could completely do without a backend. On the other side there are certain limitations, which we discovered now.
So in our coming release it will not be any longer necessary to mess around with the board rights.
So far, we intend to let everyone give feedback who is related to the project, i.e. having assigned issues. To all the Jira Administrators out there, let us know if you think you need more diverse settings and why.
Parallel sprints
This issue we did experience during our tests 🙂 Parallel sprints did not work with our App. We decided to scope this out of our MVP and focus on other things. Especially bigger projects run with parallel sprints though, so we decided to fix that for our next release.
Update Limited sprint selection
We already updated the element for the selection of the sprint. You are no longer limited to 3 sprints and easily can start to type the sprint name, the auto completion will find the suitable results. This works in Sprint Feedback and the Sprint Feedback Report.

Providing Feedback was limited to the active sprint and the two latest closed sprints. Regarding our future support of parallel sprints, it did not make any sense to limit this.

We need your feedback!
Our plan has always been to further develop the Prepare Sprint Retrospective App aligned with our customers needs. So therefore we would love to hear from you. Please take our little survey. As a small return service, we would be very happy to list you as supporter of your product with your name and logo.
New features next spring
As mentioned above, our very next step is to release our first production version of the Prepare Sprint Retrospective App before X-MAS. On the other hand we are focusing on collecting and analyzing your survey feedback until the end of the year. We are convinced that your feedback is key. So based on your survey feedback we plan to release new features in spring 21. Stay tuned.
Best, Pascal
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